Year 4

Thursday 4th July 
The children enjoyed IPC science this week where they learnt about the colour spectrum and the effects of UV light. They were surprised how quickly UV can affect our skin, so remember to slip, slap, slop this summer. 

In Shackleton we enjoyed sitting around the campfire (which sadly we could not light!) eating marshmallows and sharing our favourite memories of year 4.

India afternoon was a lovely array of Indian culture. The children treated us to Indian dancing, sport, food, clothing, animals and religion.

Holiday Challenge

First of all please do keep reading over the holidays; please see the link below to find a summer reading bingo to spur to you on .

We would also encourage the children to keep a holiday diary, highlighting the exciting things they get up to over the holiday, using photos, pictures, ticket stubs and words! 

They will be able to share this with their year 5 English teachers in September.

Also please do not forget about the plastic challenge this summer holiday, give your plastic back to the supermarkets.

Finally, we would like to wish you a wonderful summer holiday. We have thoroughly enjoyed teaching your lovely children this year and what a superb learning journey it has been!

Best wishes
Jane and Charlotte

Friday 28th June

The children had lots of fun working together in Shackleton this week making their dens. They had to ensure all of their team could fit inside, as well as it being structurally sound and waterproof.

In IPC we have started our group projects on India. The children are working together beautifully. In English we have looked at Viking runes and the children have been creating their own messages.

Weekend Challenge:

We would like the children to research Hindu Gods. The children have been given a sheet to draw a picture and write some facts about one chosen Hindu God. You may find the website below useful.

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.

Jane and Charlotte
Friday 21st June

The children had an enjoyable time in Shackleton this week learning how to put up tents. They demonstrated an excellent amount of teamwork and had great fun.

Also well done to 4CJ on their class assembly today!

Weekend Challenge:

We have begun to research life in India; the children have decided an area of interest that they would like to explore in more detail. They have chosen either religion, food, clothing or animals.  This weekend we would like the children to further research their preferred area in preparation for group presentations in the final week of term.

A reminder that it is 4JJ’s class assembly, next Friday 28th June at 8:40am in the Wortham Hall. All parents are welcome and tea/coffee is served afterwards in the Front Hall.

Friday 14th June

Despite the changeable weather, what a fantastic day we had today. The children really enjoyed themselves and were a credit to the school.

Weekend Challenge:

We have been looking at mapping skills in IPC, please have a look at this website Ordnance Survey Mapzone website. and enjoy some of the activities.

We have also been looking at the impact that humans have on the environment.  We would like pupils to do one thing this weekend that has a positive impact on our planet, take a photo of this act, write a few lines about what they did and email them to us.

This could be a beach clean, picking up litter, helping with the shopping and looking for items that do not contain palm oil, switching off lights when you leave the room, turning the tap off when you brush your teeth or something of your choosing.

Remember it is also 4CJ's class assembly next Friday 21st June. Parents are very welcome, 8:40am in the Wortham Hall.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Friday 7th June

What a busy first week back after half term. We hope you all had a lovely relaxing week.

In Shackleton this week we split into two teams and created our own treasure to hide somewhere in the school grounds. We then had to write a set of directions that the other team would use to find the treasure. In next week’s Shackleton lesson, we will be hiding our treasure and asking the other team to find the treasure. There is also a bonus piece of treasure to find!

In IPC we completed the Great Fire of London quiz to see what the children had learnt as well as starting to create a map and key of the school. 4JJ had a fantastic time exploring the school using their bird’s eye view of the map and creating a key for each building of the school. 

Weekend Challenge:

Click on the link and choose an image showing A Natural Beauty & an Environmental Issue which could threaten this. Cut them out and stick side by side. You are welcome to find your own contrasting images too! Prepare to present and discuss with the class.  

Next week we also have our Water Day and Camp to look forward to.

We would like the children to come to school in their uniform as usual but have a small backpack for use during the day. Weather permitting, children are invited to complete their adventure by camping in Rowden. For this the children will need Shackleton clothes, some warm clothes to sleep in, a sleeping bag, bedding roll, pillow and something to clean their teeth with! Breakfast will be at the Prep at 8.00 and parents can come to collect their children at 09.00 on Saturday 15th June. If the weather forecast is looking ominous, we will cancel the camping element of the day on the morning of 14th June.

Have a lovely weekend!

Jane and Charlotte

Friday 24th May

We were so immensely proud of all the Year 4 pupils this week; what a super performance of Cinders, a real team effort-well done children! 

Weekend Challenge

In English we are studying How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell. The children have begun to create their own dragon using the dragons in the book for inspiration.  

Click on the link below and follow the instructions to complete the challenge!

1. Spend some time completing the quiz to find out your dragon's name.
2. Write a short story using your dragon as the main character.
3. Think about including wow words, similes, spelling and remember to take care with your handwriting.
4. An illustration would be great too!

Have a lovely, well-deserved half term break!

Friday 17th May

We have had another fun and busy week in Year 4! The children have been working hard on our play Cinders and we very much look forward to seeing you next Wednesday 22nd May for the performance.  Please do come slightly earlier and enjoy a glass of wine before the show.

We would very much like the children to stay for an early 5pm tea on the evening of the play to allow time for make-up and costume preparation.  Please remember to sign in for tea on that evening.

Weekend Challenge

We apologise for the technical glitch with the blog last week; this is all rectified now so we would like the children to look at the portraits and tell us more about these famous 17th century people.

Have a lovely, sunny weekend!
Jane & Charlotte

Friday 10th May
The play rehearsals for 'Cinders' are going well and we are all walking around singing the songs! Thank you for supporting your children in learning their lines. Please remember that the play is on Wednesday 22nd May at 18:30 in the Wortham Hall. Do come slightly earlier and enjoy a glass of wine before the performance starts.
Weekend Challenge
We have started our new IPC topic- Pictures, Paintings and Photographs by studying a famous painting on The Great Fire of London in 1666. Look at the pictures below:

Image result for pepys and charles

Your challenge is to find out who are they and why they were important people at this time in history. Write down you findings (very neatly!) ready to share in IPC next week.Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or queries.Have a lovely weekend!Jane and Charlotte

Friday 29th March 2019
Congratulations to all of the children for their superb Victorian presentations; a wonderful array of costumes, food, multi-media presentations and endless facts about this  fascinating period of British history.

Next half term we are starting a new topic called...

Please click on the link to see more details about our next IPC topic. 

Weekend/Holiday Challenge:
We would like the children to record some of their Easter Holiday activities using these mediums. They may use captions to provide some explanation.

We would also like to remind you about the space challenge and photography competition. More information about these can be found on the parent portal.

We wish you all a very Happy Easter and look forward to seeing the children on Wednesday 24th April. 
Jane & Charlotte

Friday 22nd March 

In Shackleton this week we went on a Easter egg hunt. The children worked together as a team in their houses to find eggs around the school. Each team was given a picture where they had to identify what part of the school grounds the photo was taken, they then had to go to the area and search for the egg.  We had a brilliant time hunting and it was a very close call between Team Scott and Team Fry!

On Wednesday 27th March we are looking forward to The Great Victorian Investigation. Children are welcome to dress up in Victorian style clothes on this afternoon either as part of their presentation or just because they want to!

Part 1:The children will be asked to deliver a 5 minute group presentation on an aspect of Victorian life (ideally not a powerpoint).
An interactive quiz which will test knowledge of their specialised subject as well as general Victorian facts learned through lessons/presentations and research via the Weekend Challenges.
We are looking for the children to be a able to:
Weekend Challenge:
The children will have discussed items they need to prepare or research further. They will also be given time during IPC lessons next week.

·         Each group member must contribute.
·         Children can use visual prompts such as posters/pictures/artefacts/dressing up.
Part 2:

·         Know about the main events, dates and characteristics of the past societies they have studied.
·         Know about the lives of people in those periods.
·         Be able to give some reasons for particular events and changes
·         Be able to gather information from simple sources

Have a lovely weekend!

Jane & Charlotte 

Friday 15th March 

Another eventful few days in Year 4 and what a great way to finish the week with Red Nose Day.  Thank you for your generous donations; the children looked fabulous in their red attire.

In IPC the children have now been put into research groups so that they can work together on their chosen area of interest about the Victorian era. The weekend challenge is to research their specific area of interest (be it Victorian inventions, Queen Victoria or school life, to name but a few).  They can print out photographs, pictures, fact sheets or write down their information (in their neatest handwriting!).  The more information they bring in the better their group presentations will be.  On the final Tuesday of term the pupils will present their findings and they can even dress up in Victorian costume if they so wish.

Mr Davidson has set a Year 4 Times Tables Rock stars Challenge to see which class can collect the most points...remember to log on and have a go this weekend; the children will see live updates on their collective progress.

Have a lovely weekend,

Jane and Charlotte 

Friday 8th March

What a busy, fun-packed few days it's been in Year 4 this week!  We had a fabulous trip to Morwellham Quay on Wednesday: Victorian school life, working down the mines, dressing up, panning for gold and domestic life in Victorian times (the children were captivated by outside lavatories!). 

The trip is a great entry point into our IPC topic looking at the life and times during the Victorian era.  Over the next few weeks we will be studying this long and distinct period in history, focusing on inventions, medicine, The Great Exhibition and Queen Victoria herself.

Thursday was World Book Day and a big thank you for making such a great effort with your children's costumes, they looked fantastic and the pupils really embraced their characters. 

Weekend Challenge:

Year 4 will be working together to produce a presentation about an aspect of the Victorian era which has sparked their interest. It is important that they are all aware of key dates and events from this important time in British history. Below are a few websites and videos which will help them to gain a fuller understanding of the Victorians. 
The Lent term will finish with a presentation of their findings and a Victorian quiz for which children (and staff) are invited to dress up. Please do spend time at the weekend looking through these links in preparation for our IPC lessons next week.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Jane and Charlotte.

Friday 1st March 2019:
The Weekend Challenge will be to discover more about The Legend of Atlantis. This might even inspire a poem for your anthology! You could try a Kenning, an acrostic poem or simply a poem that uses the senses to describe what it might have been like.

It is World Book Day next Thursday 7th March. I am sure the children have lots of ideas but here is a link to the just in case!

Please remember to sign up for the Year 4 trip to Morwellham Quay on Wednesday 6th March.  Have a lovely weekend!

Saturday 16th February 

This week the pupils have presented their volcanic region tourist information brochures; what a fantastic effort from all the children!

The Weekend Challenge:Choose one of the pictures below and write for at least 10-15 minutes [focused writing task]

Think about:

·         what you see, feel, hear, smell and taste
·         use literary devices such as rule of 3, exciting wow words and similes
Please edit your work once you have finished and check for handwriting, spelling and punctuation.

Have a wonderful half term and thank you for all you continued support.

Saturday 9th February 

This week in IPC the children have erupted their volcanoes, creating their very own ring of fire! 

Weekend Challenge

The pupils have started to put together their tourist brochures for their chosen volcanic region.  Over the weekend we would like them to continue collecting information for their group project.  Things to include are: maps of the region, historical facts about the area, pictures/photographs of tourist features (flowers, animals, food, weather, geysers, hot springs and so on).  Next Friday the children will be presenting their work in their groups.

Have a lovely weekend!

Thursday 31st January 

What a brilliant Shackleton lesson this week with all the snow! We had a great game of ‘Catch the Flag’ in which the bibbed team won. The children had lots of fun running around and playing whilst watching the snow settle.

The pupils have now finished making their week it's time for the lava!  We are continuing to learn about Pompeii, imagining we are newspaper reporters in 79 AD.

Next week Year 4 will be working with a group to produce one of the following:

·         a leaflet
·         a booklet
·         a poster

The children have been given a volcanic region to research. They will need to have information to show they understand where their region is and what there is to do and see in that area.

Group Task
Volcanoes are important tourist attractions in many countries.
You will try to find out what attracts tourists to one of the following volcanic areas:

Iceland: Geysers, hot springs, geothermal heated pools
Hawaii: Volcanoes and unique species of animals and plants
USA, Yellowstone Park: Old Faithful Geyser
Italy: Vesuvius, Mt Etna, Stromboli

The Weekend Challenge
Please spend some time reading about and gathering information which will help to complete this group task.

Friday 18th January

This week Year 4 have been learning about Mount Vesuvius and the fire of Pompeii. The children also learnt about the Vulcan – the God of Fire in an IPC lesson with Mrs Johnson. Next week the children will start to make their own volcanoes in science and create their own ring of fire.

We are also looking forward to the Poetry Recital Competition which will be taking place over the course of the Lent term. The final will be held on Tuesday 26th March. This year, Year 4 pupils are asked to find and learn a poem about ‘Homes and Family’. It should be a minimum of 10 lines in length. This is always a rewarding and worthwhile school event, not only to develop a love of poetry but also to build confidence in public performance.  We will be using the poems chosen by the Year 4 children to create an anthology.

Weekend Challenge

Image result for tsunamis

For this weekend challenge we would like the children to research tsunamis. They can present their work however they would like.

Friday 11th January 2019

We have had a fantastic start to the Lent term. Our entry point for our topic Active Planet we had a role play activity in which an earthquake hit 4CJ’s classroom. We had to create our own Disaster Relief Centre and think of what would be needed. We set up a medical team to help the injured, a bed area for those who would have become homeless due to the disaster, an activities team to keep the children occupied and a tidy up team to clean up the mess and damage from the earthquake. 

The Weekend Challenge:


We would like to do a ‘Volcanoes Knowledge Harvest’. Please can you think about what you already know about volcanoes and what you would like to find out more about. We will be asking you next week!

Thursday 20th December 2018 
What a fantastic term we have had here in year 4! The children have all worked hard over the past 12 weeks and produced some brilliant work. Here is a short video of our highlights from this term in lower prep:

As part of your holiday homework we would like you to create a holiday journal/diary of all the fun festive activities you get up to over the Christmas break.

We hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing Christmas break and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.

Friday 30th November 2018
Year 4 had great fun this week in their IPC exit point for the topic 'What's on the Menu?'.  We were treated to a smorgasbord of delights ranging from food eaten by the Vikings, Aztecs, Egyptians, Victorians and even Cavemen! The children presented their findings to each other and the teachers; who knew the Aztecs ate dogs or that the Egyptians trained baboons to pick fruit from the trees! After eating Victoria sponge, Egyptian bread and Viking smoked fish, teachers and children were thoroughly replete. Fortunately there was no dog on the menu!  A marvellous  time was had by all with the children displaying the important IPC goals of enquiry and collaboration.  

In Shackleton, year 4 got stuck into some bush tucker style trials to win stars for their teams. For the first part we walked around the school grounds collecting sticks for one of the challenges, and to use for our lesson next week. We then got stuck into our trials. One challenge was to list as many animals, school subjects and items of clothing as we could in 30 seconds while having our feet tickled by a member of our team. We also had to build the tallest tower with our sticks in over a minute and our final challenge was to see how well we could say ‘fluffy bunny’ with marshmallows in our mouth! We had a lot of fun and successfully completed each challenge. Well done to the green team who won an incredible 8 stars!

The Weekend Challenge:This week we completed the  shopping bag activity. 

Farm to Fork Challenge

You can do the Farm to Fork Challenge to help you to understand the processes different food goes through before it makes it onto our tables. Have a look at some of the tables on your food at home, it might be interesting to work out how many miles some of our food travels too! 

Friday 23rd November 2018 
The children have had a busy week in IPC, working together on their food research projects.  We are very excited about their presentations next week! (Wednesday 28th November). 

Weekend Challenge

Please make sure they have all the information for their food projects; they also need to think about any props they wish to bring in: costumes, food etc. Part of the presentation will involve discussing sailors diets and scurvy so remember to read up on this!

Friday 16th November 2018
What a fantastic week seeing all of the research that has been done for last week’s weekend challenge! It has been fascinating to hear about what Cavemen would eat all the way up to the Victorians! In two weeks’ time Year 4 will be presenting their research to the head boy and head girl.

We also had a brilliant time down at Rowden on Wednesday for Shackleton; we wrote Haiku poems about nature, drew some pictures of what we could see and hear as well as taking part in the challenge to see who could build the tallest tower out of stones!

The Weekend Challenge:

Find out about sailors from history and their eating habits.
List all the food you have over the weekend. 

Friday 9th October 2018
What a great start to our new IPC topic- "What's on the Menu?"  Not only did we have a visit from a nutritionist who spoke to us about healthy eating options but the children also experienced 'the worst restaurant in the world' which enabled them to decide what a good eatery should really be like!  

The Weekend Challenge:
Choose a famous person from history and find out what they might have enjoyed eating.
Here are some ideas but you can choose anybody from a period of history you find interesting. 

What would the Egyptians have eaten?

What would the Aztecs have eaten?

What would Sir Francis Drake have eaten?

Friday 19th October 2018 
Half Term:
We had such fun today on the Year 4 Coastal Creativity Day! It was a super way to end our topic on Adventurers and Explorers. We also started to think about our next topic, 'What's on the Menu?' by researching the restaurants and types of food shops in Bude.

Over the holiday please can the children have a go at writing and decorating a haiku poem of their choice. We have already written some haikus about the sea and we would like the children to continue this creative enterprise.
Please do note that the maths website is now up and running with activities to consolidate the learning going on in lessons. Thank you for your continued support and hope you all have a restful half term.

Friday 12th October 2018

The Weekend Challenge:

Who was Captain James Cook and what was he famous for? 
Please remember that we have our Year 4 Coastal Creativity Day on Friday 19th October.
A packed lunch will be provided (but please bring own water bottle)
Wear Shackleton type clothes
Bring a small backpack with waterproof coat and £1 for maths activity
Ensure permission has been given to

Friday 5th October 2018
This week in IPC the children have displayed excellent teamwork on their Sir Francis Drake research presentations-plenty of collaboration, communication and respect!

The Weekend Challenge:
We are currently reading Danny Champion of the World by Roald Dahl. Danny is fortunate to have a dad who teaches him how to make many wonderful things. We have been working on instructions in class so this weekend could you try to write instructions on how to make a kite...maybe you could actually have a go and fly it too!

Friday 28th September 2018
This week Year 4 have enjoyed presenting their space facts to the class; what a fantastic variety of presentations there were:  3D models of the solar system, clay planets, posters, fact sheets and a travel guide to outer space! 

The Weekend Challenge:

Please bring in research and pictures/resources for the Sir Francis Drake IPC research project. This project will need to be done at school next week as part of a team as this is part of the learning experience.
The children will be expected to to work in small groups to produce a project which shows they can:

  •      Use information from a variety of sources
  •      Include information about Sir Francis Drake’s birth, death and other interesting facts
  •      Find out Sir Francis Drake’s place of birth and death and show this on maps
  •      Create a map showing details of the voyage around the World ie: relevant oceans, countries, ports, cities

Friday 21st September 2018
This week Year 4 have continued to learn about adventurers and explorers.  The children have enjoyed sharing their Scott of the Antarctic work with their peers and what a lovely range of presentations there were!  In IPC Science the children have been learning about light, shadows and space.

The Weekend Challenge:
This week is Science based. Please could the children open the link:
10 Facts about Space
The challenge is to present understanding in a creative and imaginative way.  Former examples have been: 3D mobiles, posters, power points...  Go for it!

Friday 14th September 2018
Frogs, lemurs and tortoises...what an amazing start to our new IPC topic in year 4! We have been delighted to welcome a real life 'Explorer and Adventurer' and Old Kellonian to introduce our new IPC topic this term. Harry Donnelly has been involved in a 6 week conservation project in Madagascar. Last Friday afternoon, he came armed with maps, an interactive presentation and real animals for the IPC entry point activity. The children were inspired and enthused while Harry answered a myriad of questions about his adventures. What a way to start the term! Thank you Harry.

Click here to view the photographs.

Weekend Challenge:
Next week the children will be looking at the adventures of another explorer. Please find the time to watch this short film about Scott of the Antarctic and write 5 key facts to present to the class.

Friday 6th July:
Year 4 brought their time in Year 4 to a successful conclusion by hosting a wonderful Indian Experience for the children in Year 3. Well done to Year 4 for being so creative and innovative with their activities and thank you to Year 3 for participating with such enthusiasm and good manners!

India Experience Album
Summer Challenge:
As part of their English work in Year 5, the children will need to complete a Travel Log over the holidays. This could be via a diary, scrap book, or any other form of recording information about the places you visit. You could include photographs, diary entries, sketches and maps. This work will be used during the start of the Michaelmas term.

Many thanks for all your kind words, cards and gifts. All of the staff involved in Year 4 have so enjoyed teaching such a special and enthusiastic group of children.
Have a wonderful holiday and we will look forward to seeing all of the children on Thursday 6th September.

Friday 29th June:

This week Year 4 have been busy preparing a magical and mystical treat for Year 3. The Year 4 children have invited both Year 3 classes to take part in our 'India Experience'. The Year 4 classes have worked together and have come up with a range of activities inspired by their Indian research. They have planned and organised tasks including tasting Indian food, trying on clothing, doing some art, as well as lots of facts about Indian history, geography and animals. This will be a wonderful opportunity for the older children to show what they have learned and also for the Year 3s to get a taste of what is in store as they prepare for Year 4.

Weekend Challenge:
Please ensure you bring everything you need on 
Monday 2nd July ready for the 'India Experience' 
This event will take place between 11.30am and 12.30pm to allow for LAMDA exams.

Friday 22nd June:

What a way to end a week! Water Day was wonderful. The children were fully immersed in a wide variety of activities to extend and enrich the learning they have done in the classroom this term. We sailed prototype boats and critiqued them, visited Tavistock museum, conducted a history walk and quiz, sniffed flowers, touched sculptures and explored the sensory garden, searched for poetic stanzas along the river bank and conducted a seed dispersal experiment!
At the end of a busy day in Tavistock, Rowden was soon ringing with peals of laughter as the children then had to work together to put up their tents for the night!

Please see the photo album
Year 4 Water Day and Camp

Weekend Challenge:
The River Tavy was central to our Water Day and we have found out that many town and cities are built along the banks of rivers. Our next topic for research is India and the Ganges. The children have chosen a topic to research and will be using the information they gather this weekend to help them to prepare an activity for our end of term 'India Experience'.

Thursday 14th June:
Wonderful weather, a puppet packed production and a chance to jump over a few waves! What a superb day we had on Tuesday. Our trip to the Minack was perfect, as was the behaviour of the children.
Here are a few photos of the highlights!

Tomorrow Year 4 are off on their much anticipated Water Day. Here is a list of items they will need to remember:

Day trip
Come to school in school uniform
Rucksack for packed lunch
A water bottle

Shackleton clothes
Warm clothes to sleep in
Sleeping bag
Bedding roll
Wash bag with toothbrush. toothpaste, hairbrush,

Remember that pick up is after breakfast at 9am on Saturday 16th June. We will inform you on Friday morning if the camp has to be cancelled due to weather.

Weekend Challenge: 
As part of our new topic 'On Tap' the children are encouraged to find out more about water and the poverty cycle.

They have all been given a sheet of information about this topic. The challenge is to use this information to produce an information leaflet/ brochure/ poster to show they understand.

Friday 8th June
This week Year 4 have tested their knowledge about the Great Fire of London. We discussed how everyone has different ways of learning and we compared methods they used to remember facts. 

Today is World Ocean Day. Click on the link to find out more about our beautiful oceans and the sea creatures that inhabit them.

Weekend Challenge:
Click on the link and choose an image showing A Natural Beauty & an Environmental Issue which could threaten this. Cut them out and stick side by side. You are welcome to find your own contrasting images too! Prepare to present and discuss with the class.  

Next week we have two well deserved trips to look forward to. 
Tuesday Lower Prep Trip to the Minack Theatre: Please come to school wearing clothes appropriate for the forecast that day. The children will need a rucksack containing sun lotion, a sun hat, a waterproof coat, a drinks bottle and a small towel for drying feet.
Friday Water Day and Camp: We would like the children to come to school in their uniform as usual but have a small backpack for use during the day. Weather permitting, children are invited to complete their adventure by camping in Rowden. For this the children will need Shackleton clothes, some warm clothes to sleep in, a sleeping bag, bedding roll, pillow and something to clean their teeth with! Breakfast will be at the Prep at 8.00 and parents can come to collect their children at 09.00 on Saturday 16th June. If the weather forecast is looking ominous, we will cancel the camping element of the day on the morning of 15th June.

Friday May 25th
Year 4 have really enjoyed using pictures and paintings to support our research into 'The Great Fire of London'. It is time to put our knowledge to the test after half term. In order to encourage the children to use a range of sources to support their research, the information has been presented in a variety of ways.

We learned a lot about how London has changed by travelling through the streets of London in 1666. Please click on the link.

Please take some time to look at the fact sheet  we have compiled as a way of recapping what we have learned.

We enjoyed watching a short programme about 'The Great Fire of London' which allowed us to go back to 1666 on September 2nd.

Have a lovely half term and remember to give permission for the trips happening during the second week back.

Year 3 and 4 trip to the Minack Theatre on Tuesday 12th June
Year 4 Water Day and Camp on Friday 16th June.

Friday 18th May

Year 4 are feeling very proud of themselves after a fabulous performance of Hansel and Gretel. Not only was the acting and singing superb but we have had so many compliments about the scenery, props, posters and costumes. They have a true sense of ownership as they have worked hard to consider the importance of all of the aspects involved in putting on a drama production.

Weekend Challenge:
Please make sure you have completed these challenges from previous weeks as we will be using this work next week.
1. Spend some time completing the quiz to find out your dragon's name.
2. Write a short story using your dragon as the main character.
3. Think about including wow words, similes, spelling and remember to take care with your handwriting.
4. An illustration would be great too!

Next week Year 4 will be working on using maps at a variety of scales to locate the position and geographical features of the local area. We would like the children to bring in maps of Tavistock and the surrounding area. These could be printed from Google maps or the children could bring in a leaflet about a local tourist destination.
They can start to use their map skills using the Ordnance Survey Mapzone website.

Friday 11th May
We are very excited about the final preparations for the Year 4 Production 'Hansel and Gretel'' next Thursday 17th May at 6.30pm. We are very much looking forward to seeing you there. If possible we would like all Year 4 to stay to tea on the evening of the production as we will be back stage doing costume checks and make-up before the start of the show.
We do appreciate the effort you have made to support your children with learning their lines and putting costumes together!

Weekend Challenge:
We will soon be starting our class novel 'How to Train your Dragon' by Cressida Cowell. Click on the link below and follow the instructions to complete the challenge!

1. Spend some time completing the quiz to find out your dragon's name.
2. Write a short story using your dragon as the main character.
3. Think about including wow words, similes, spelling and remember to take care with your handwriting.
4. An illustration would be great too!

Friday 4th May

Thank you so much for your kind donations to help us to fill pencil cases for the Heartfelt tips Charity. The children were each given a pencil case to fill with a selection of stationery. They put real thought into the items they put into their pencil cases. We know that the children who visit Nethercott Farm will be very grateful.

The play rehearsals are going well and we are all walking around singing the songs! We would like all children to be script free by Tuesday 8th May. Some children have come to ask for some help in putting their costume together. We would like all costumes to be sent in on Friday 11th May. Please contact us before then if you would like help with this.

Weekend Challenge
Look at these portraits of 2 important people from the 1600’s.
Who are they and why were they important people at this time in history?

Friday 27th April 2018
The children have been very excited to find out their characters for the Year 4 production of 'Hansel and Gretel'. We have been so pleased with their maturity and ability to listen and take direction.

The play will take place on Thursday 17th May at 6.30pm in Wortham Hall. Please could all children begin to learn their lines so that we can be script free as soon as possible. We will discuss with the children ideas for their costumes, particularly those characters who are sharing a role. It would be wonderful if you could support us with the costume for your child's character. Please could you let us know as soon as possible if you would like some help with this.

The Weekend Challenge:

Over the coming weeks Year 4 will be working on using maps at a variety of scales to locate the position and geographical features of the local area. We would like the children to bring in maps of Tavistock and the surrounding area. These could be printed from Google maps or the children could bring in a leaflet about a local tourist destination.

They can start to use their map skills using the Ordnance Survey Mapzone website.

Friday 20th April 2018
This week Year 4 began our new IPC topic 'Paintings, Pictures and Photographs'. It has been super to see all of the amazing ways the children have chosen to present what they have done during the Easter holidays using these mediums!
On Tuesday the children had to put together some jigsaw pieces which depicted a famous scene from history.
We will be studying the Great Fire of London and how we know so much about it.

The Weekend Challenge:
Please click on the following link and think about these questions.
Why early people chose to make these pictures?
What is represented in the images?
What colours did they use?
Where might these colours have come from, and how were they made?
Cave Paintings

Friday 23rd March 2018
Next half term we are starting a new topic called...

'Paintings, Pictures and Photographs'
Please click on the link to see more details about our next IPC topic. 

Weekend Challenge:
We would like the children to record some of their Easter Holiday activities using these mediums. They may use captions to provide some explanation.
We wish you all a Happy Easter and look forward to seeing the children on Tuesday 17th April.

Friday 16th March
We had a super trip to Morwellham Quay last Friday. The children have really enjoyed the opportunity to visit a living museum and get a real taste of what life was like in Morwellham 150 years ago.

They have been using their experiences to support their Victorian research and will present to each other on Tuesday 20th March.Their listening skills will be put to the test the following day when they will complete a Victorian style quiz on all the topics that were presented.

Weekend Challenge
The children have all now been given their pencil case to fill for the Heartfelttips Charity. Please be imaginative with what is put inside and ensure that everything is in good condition. It is also recommended that one of the ‘tips’ from the website is printed out and put inside the pencil case. The cases will be gathered together by next Friday 23rd March, checked and taken to Nethercott Farm. This is an amazing place that offers urban children from all over the country a unique opportunity to live and work together for a week at a time on a real farm in the heart of the countryside. The pencil cases will be put to good use for the activities done as part of the Nethercott experience.

Friday 9th March 2018:
On Tuesday 20th March we are looking forward to The Great Victorian Investigation.Children are welcome to dress up in Victorian style clothes on this afternoon either as part of their presentation or just because they want to!

Part 1:
The children will be asked to deliver a 5 minute group presentation on an aspect of Victorian life (ideally not a powerpoint).

  • Each group member must contribute.
  • Children can use visual prompts such as posters/pictures/artefacts/dressing up.
  • Please see the Victorian Presentation Groups
Part 2:
An interactive quiz which will test knowledge of their specialised subject as well as general Victorian facts learned through lessons/presentations and research via the Weekend Challenges.

We are looking for the children to be a able to:

  • Know about the main events, dates and characteristics of the past societies they have studied.
  • Know about the lives of people in those periods.
  • Be able to give some reasons for particular events and changes
  • Be able to gather information from simple sources

Weekend Challenge:
The children will have discussed items they need to prepare or research further. They will also be given time during IPC lessons next week.
Year 4 are also supporting a charity called Heartfelttips. Please click on the link and watch the video in the 'get involved' section to find out more. The children will be given more information next week.

Friday 2nd March 2018:

Year 4 are working together to produce a presentation about an aspect of the Victorian era which has sparked their interest. It is important that they are all aware of key dates and events from this important time in British history. Below are a few websites and videos which will help them to gain a fuller understanding of the Victorians.
Victorian Britain                                 
The Lent term will finish with a presentation of their findings and a Victorian quiz for which children (and staff) are invited to dress up.

Friday 23rd February 2018:
The Weekend Challenge will be to discover more about The Legend of Atlantis. This might even inspire a poem for your anthology! You could try a Kenning, an acrostic poem or simply a poem that uses the senses to describe what it might have been like.

It is World Book Day next Thursday 1st March. I am sure the children have lots of ideas but here is a link to the World Book Day Website just in case!

We are looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday 27th February in Wortham Hall from 5.30-7.30pm for the Year 4 Parents' Evening. Also please remember to sign up for the Year 4 trip to Morwellham Quay on Friday 9th March.

Friday 9th February 2018:
This week as part of our IPC topic, Year 4 have been writing an ‘eyewitness account’ about Pompeii the day Vesuvius erupted. They have used a success criteria to try to include as many historical facts as possible.

The Weekend Challenge:
Choose one of the pictures below and write for at least 10-15 minutes

Think about:

  • what you see, feel, hear, smell and taste 
  • use literary devices such as rule of 3, exciting wow words and similes

Please edit your work once you have finished and check for handwriting, spelling and punctuation.

Have a wonderful half term and please remember to sign up for the Year 4 trip to Morwellham Quay on Friday 9th March.

Friday 2nd February:
Next week Year 4 will be working with a group to produce one of the following:

  • a leaflet
  • a booklet
  • a poster

Year 4 have been given a volcanic region to research. They will need to to have information to show they understand where their region is and what there is to do and see in that area.

Group Task
Volcanoes are important tourist attractions in many countries.
You will try to find out what attracts tourists to one of the following volcanic areas:

Iceland: Geysers, hot springs, geo-thermal heated pools
Hawaii: Volcanoes and unique species of animals and plants
USA, Yellowstone Park: Old Faithful Geyser
Italy: Vesuvius, Mt Etna, Stromboli

The Weekend Challenge
Please spend some time reading about and gathering information which will help to complete this group task.

Friday 26th January:
We have had a busy week full of visitors!
It was so interesting to hear about how Mr Johnson was on the 9th floor of a building in Japan when an earth tremor occurred!
Mrs Tanner had some wonderful photos to show us about Vesuvius and Pompeii when she lived in Naples. Many thanks to them both for such an interesting afternoon.

The children have so enjoyed meeting the Iron Man and eating a volcano cake too! 

The Weekend Challenge

'Fundamental British Values' are:
  • democracy,
  • the rule of law,
  • individual liberty,
  • mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith
Can you find out more about what these terms mean?

Friday 19th January 2018:

The Volcano Knowledge Harvests the children have brought in have been so interesting. We have been impressed with the imagination involved in how information has been presented.

We have used this information to find out what we wanted to know more about. Year 4 have looked carefully at what a volcano looks like inside and explored lots of related vocabulary.  We have tried to recreate a volcano using modelling clay.

The Weekend Challenge

We are very lucky to have two visiting speakers next week. One lived in an earthquake zone and the other lived near Vesuvius. Please prepare some questions you could ask our guests.

We are already looking forward to the Poetry Recital Competition which will be taking place over the course of the Lent term. The final will be held on Tuesday 20th March. This year Year 4 pupils are asked to find and learn a poem about the weather. It should be at least 8 lines in length. This is always a rewarding and worthwhile school event, not only to develop a love of poetry but also to build confidence in public performance.  We will be using the poems chosen by the Year 4 children to create an anthology.

Friday 12th January 2018:
On Tuesday 9th January 2018, to introduce our topic 'Active Planet' the children in Year 4 had the opportunity to role play what life could be like living in an earthquake zone. They were given the following scenario to discuss:

“Our school is a very strong and secure building. For this reason it has been chosen to be a disaster relief centre for everyone in the community to come to if there is an earthquake.
Your task is to plan what you will do when everyone arrives at the disaster relief centre.”

We researched what to do during and after an earthquake then made a list of jobs that needed to be done. Managers were employed and the team got to work.
Please click on the link below to find out more.

Mount Kelly Disaster Relief Centre

The Weekend Challenge:

We would like to do a ‘Volcanoes Knowledge Harvest’. Please can you think about what you already know about volcanoes and what you would like to find out more about. We will be asking you next week!

Thursday 14th December:
We have had a wonderful video from our new friends in Dubai. They are very interested to find out more about our school and what we have been up to. Click on the link below to see the presentation we have put together for them.

Find out more about our school and what we have been up to this term.
Christmas  Challenge

Christmas will be filled with many exciting activities so we would like you to spend some time recording these in the form of a Christmas Scrapbook. Postcards, maps, diary entries, special Christmas cards, photographs, art work, plane tickets...anything that shows some of the things you do over the Christmas holidays.

Have a well deserved break and enjoy your Christmas holidays. We look forward to seeing you refreshed and ready to begin our new topic 'Active Planet' on Tuesday 9th January 2018.

Have a wonderful holiday.

Friday 8th December:
What a fantastic week! The children worked extremely hard to get ready for the big day and enjoyed presenting their 'What's on the Menu?' information to our Head Boy and Head Girl.

We have been so impressed with the hard work, enthusiasm and innovative ideas that the children have produced.

Weekend Challenge:

We are pleased to have made a link with a Year 4 class in Dubai and will be sharing our end of topic activity with them via a video to be posted on our Year 4 blog. Please think about questions we can ask the children in Dubai in order to find out more about their lives.

Friday 1st December:
It is time to celebrate all of the hard work that Year 4 have done as part of the IPC topic ‘What’s on the Menu?’

Next Friday, we have asked the Head Boy and Head Girl to come to look at what we have been doing and participate in some of the activities 

The Weekend Challenge:
Every pupil has a chosen area which they are responsible for organising. This weekend, please help them to make sure they have all the resources, information or props they will need for next Friday 8th December. 

Please see the Success Criteria to find out what we have been learning about!

There will be no new spellings this week. Instead please look at the spellings we have covered this term. Next week there will be a check-up test on some of these words.

Friday 24th November:
Year 4 have written some wonderfully entertaining traditional tales with a twist this week. The teachers really enjoyed reading them!

 We have also found out about the important discoveries of Captain Cook and James Lind.

The Weekend Challenge:
This week we completed the  shopping bag activity. 

Farm to Fork Challenge

You can do the Farm to Fork Challenge to help you to understand the processes different food goes through before it makes it onto our tables. It might be interesting to work out how many miles some of our food travels too!

Friday 17th November: What a treat to see all the research done for last weekend’s Challenge! We have heard about a caveman’s favourite food all the way up to Winston Churchill getting picky about his breakfast menu! Such a variety in the way information was presented too. We have tasted witchetty grub biscuits, Queen Victoria’s favourite cake and a fruit which Queen Cleopatra was rather partial to. As well as some really beautifully presented written pieces. Bravo Year 4!
The Weekend Challenge: 
You have a choice this week. 

Find out about sailors from history and their eating habits.

List all the food you have over the weekend.

Friday 10th November:
Year 4 had a lot of fun this week as Mrs Johnson and Mrs Prettejohn tried their hands at running a waffle restaurant...The Ramshackle Restaurant. They did not do a very good job so the children have had to think about all the ways the restaurant could be improved.

Not a 5 star rating for The Ramshackle Restaurant!

Despite the bad waitresses, the waffles were okay.

Year 4 even had to write their own menu.

The Weekend Challenge:
Choose a famous person from history and find out what they might have enjoyed eating.
Here are some ideas but you can choose anybody from a period of history you find interesting.

What would the Egyptians have eaten?

What would the Aztecs have eaten?

What would Sir Francis Drake have eaten?

Half Term:
We had such fun last week on the Year 4 Coastal Creativity Day! It was a super way to end our topic on Adventurers and Explorers. We also started to think about our next topic, 'What's on the Menu?', by visiting Sainsbury's in Bude too. Have a look at the animation below.

Mr Briggs has sent home some magnet activities for everybody to try over half term. We hope you have a well deserved break and look forward to seeing you on Monday 6th November. There will be Parents' Evenings during the first week back. Please contact form tutors to make an appointment.

Friday 13th October:
Year 4 have impressed us with their ability to work as a team and prepare their Sir Francis Drake Projects. 

Click here to see more photos of the children in 4J
The Weekend Challenge:

Who was Captain James Cook and what was he famous for? 
Please remember that we have our Year 4 Coastal Creativity Day on Monday.
A packed lunch will be provided
Wear Shackleton type clothes
Bring a small backpack with waterproof coat, trousers and a bottle of water
Ensure permission has been given to

Friday 6th October: 
We have been very lucky to have a real life adventurer and explorer come to speak with us this week. Dr Olivia Langmead, an Associate Fellow of the Marine Biological Association, came and talked about the important work she does to help marine conservation in the sea around the South West.  
The Weekend Challenge:
We are currently reading Danny Champion of the World by Roald Dahl. Danny is fortunate to have a dad who teaches him how to make many wonderful things. We have been working on instructions in class so this weekend could you try to write instructions on how to make a kite...maybe you could actually have a go and fly it too!

The Sir Francis Drake Projects will be handed in next Friday. The children will have time next week in IPC to continue working on these.

Friday 29th September:
We have had great fun exploring maps and globes in Geography this week. We have drawn the continents on oranges, tried to trace a variety of maps of the World and seen how the continents change shape when you try to make something spherical flat!

We also enjoyed our Microadventure down to the river to collect pebbles to use for national Poetry Day.

The Weekend Challenge:

Please bring in research and pictures/resources for the Sir Francis Drake IPC research project. This project will need to be done at school next week as part of a team as this is part of the learning experience.

The children will be expected to to work in small groups to produce a project which shows they can:
  • Use information from a variety of sources
  • Include information about Sir Francis Drake’s birth, death and other interesting facts

  • Find out Sir Francis Drake’s place of birth and death and show this on maps
  • Create a map showing details of the voyage around the World ie: relevant oceans, countries, ports, cities

Friday 22nd September:
We have had a busy week looking at all of the amazing research the children did for last week’s 'Weekend Challenge'. We also enjoyed a visit from Mr Floyd who came to talk to us about microadventures.

We decided that they are very different to a holiday and you can have them anywhere! What would your perfect microadventure be?

The Weekend Challenge:
Mr Briggs has set a Science based Weekend Challenge this week.
Please could the children open the link:

The Earth and Beyond
Now click on one (or both) of the following icons on the left hand index:
  • Shadows
  • Sun, Moon and Earth Orbit
Children can complete the interactive learning zone then follow it up with the quiz.

Mr Briggs will look forward to finding out what you have learned next week!

Friday 15th September:

Year 4P researching famous explorers

Year 4N sharing their holiday adventures
This half term we will be learning about Explorers and Adventurers.

Children will be reading, researching, writing, illustrating, working on their own and working in groups. We will be checking to see how well your child has learned through particular activities and asking children to explain their work.

We already know the interest you take in your child’s work. If you can, please discuss with your child the work they have done as the term progresses and let them teach you. We will be setting a Weekend Challenge each Friday. This is a wonderful opportunity to extend what the children have been doing in class and often leads into work which will happen the following week.

This weekend the challenge is to think of famous explorers or adventurers and bring in a picture and a basic fact sheet (name, place of birth, destination).

Here are some useful websites:

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